- Library is a Silence Zone. Complete discipline and silence should be maintained inside the library.
- Uses of mobile phones are not allowed inside the library.
- Only registered member are allowed to use the library. Members should always bring their membership cards while using the library.
- 3 Books for Honours students and 2 Books for Pass students are issued for a period of 15 days. After first 15 days same books may be reissued only once for next 15 days only.
- Students must return the books within specified date; otherwise their cards are suspended for two weeks.
- Books may be recalled at any time by the Librarian.
- Books once issued for home will not be returned on the same day.
- Reference books, journals & magazines are not issued at all.
- Borrowers must satisfy themselves with the physical condition of the book before borrowing. If any damage is noticed, the same must be immediately intimated. Otherwise they will be held responsible for any damage.
- Any damage, disfigurement or loss of a library book will have to be compensated by replacement of the latest edition of the book within a week, or in case of unavailability, by the payment of the current price of the book. If the book is one of a set or series they may be called upon to replace the whole set or series.
- Loss of library cards must be reported immediately. Duplicate library card may be issued on payment of Rs. 20.00.
- A Library clearance is to be obtained before taking any University examination or terminating connection with the college.
- Teachers must renew their issued books once in a year that is in the month of July.